I will always remain faithful to the LEAVE NO TRACE and I.M.B.A.'s teachings (as my debut with I.M.B.A. dates way back to 2003, when I was I.M.B.A.’s National Capital representative.
IMBA Canada's new core crew was actually trained at LaRoccaXC and featured in the movie Soulcarving, produced by my nephew Ben McKinnon (Five Knights Production). To this day, it remains the favorite movie we show during the RPS camp.
My nephew Ben McKinnon once asked me while we were filming the movie Soulcarving (2010): "Aunt Dominique, why do you work so hard?" I remember getting very emotional and teary-eyed and answered: "Ben, I do it for the children so that they can experience what I enjoyed growing up in Northern Ontario, land of forest, lakes and rivers".
Video – Voir la vie en vert
Thank you Zacharie Turgeon for truly capturing the spirit of my vision.